Thursday, October 31, 2019

Language and psycholinguistics method for research Essay

Language and psycholinguistics method for research - Essay Example A fully fledged research was carried out among 28 students in this study. Our results states phonological awareness plays an important role in word reading and the non words arranged similar to the actual words do stimulate the correct word reading extensively. We all read several words daily, from film posters to the major office documents. The ability to understand words is important in every persons life as it is an important factor affecting ones knowledge. Lexical decision checks the ability of the person to differentiate between words and non words and identify phonological and semantically primed words. There are a series of experiments conducted to test a person’s lexical decision. This results correlated are used for several different purposes from understanding how people with disabilities in hearing and the normal humans intercept words to determining how the people lexical decision ability influences their reading skill. Human brain processes millions of words every day. How does it identify the meaning of each different word? Collins and Loftus (1975) stated knowledge is stored and processed in the form of nodes. A semantic network stores millions of nodes. One stimulus arouses several related nodes. For example when a person hears the word "car" he automatically associates it with related nodes like "driver", "road" and "speed" rather than other totally different nodes like "dress" and "television". The experiments carried out by various people like McClelland and Rumelhart (1986) have confirmed this concept of relative nodes awakening. The process is termed as "Priming". The researchers also proposed the Parallel Distributed Processing model to enhance the studies about priming. The concept "Priming" helps us understand the mechanism behind understanding words. Pamela Markek says "a concept is represented by a pattern of activation, rather than by activation of a single node". A person’s brain

Monday, October 28, 2019

Basic Accounting Assignment Essay Example for Free

Basic Accounting Assignment Essay Generally Accepted   Principles, Balance sheet, Accounts receivable, Income statement, Debt, Liability, Double-entry bookkeeping system, Accounts payable 1- Explain the collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing and reporting process of accounting. Collecting:- Data obtained from various sources with the help of appropriate measures is called collection of data. Recording:- Arranging the data into its chronological form is called recording of data. Classifying:- Division of data according to nature of events is called classification of data. Ledger is used for classifying transactions Posting is the process of transferring transactions from journal to ledger. Summarizing:- This involves presenting the classified data in a manner which is understandable and useful to the management and other interested parties. Follow statements are prepared:- Income statement Balance Sheet Cash flow statement Analyzing:- The comparison of data in a business is called analyzing of data. For example, analyzing of present data with past data, or actual data with projected data. Reporting:- Forwarding the results to financial users like chairman, directors, managers etc. is called reporting of data. Discuss in detail the nature of accounts i. e. assets, expenses, liabilities, revenues and capital by giving examples. Assets:- The resources of a business are called assets. They are of two types:- Fixed Assets: Land, Building, Equipment, Vehicle etc. Current Assets: Cash, cash at bank, A/c receivable, debtors, prepaid expenses. Expenses:- The amount spent in a business with a view to gain profit in the future is called expense. Examples are rent expen ses, salaries expenses, advertisement expenses etc. Liabilities:- The financial responsibilities of the business for which it is liable are called liabilities. They are divided into two types:- Fixed Liabilities (Bank Loan, Bonds Payable, Mortgage Payable. ) Current Liabilities (Notes Payable, Unearned Income, Creditors. ) Capital:- The amount of money invested by the owner in the business is called capital. Revenue:- The incomes and the profits earned in the business through selling are called revenues. For example, Sales, Service revenue, Interest, commission earned. Drawings:- The amount of money taken away by the proprietor for personal benefits is called Drawings. 3- Describe the accounting rule of debit and credit for accounts like assets, expenses, liabilities, revenues and capital. Assets Increase in Asset is debit. Decrease in Asset is credit. Liabilities Increase in liabilities is credit. Decrease in liabilities is debit. Revenues Increase in revenues is credit. Decrease in revenues is debit. Expenses Increase in expense is debit. Decrease in expense is credit. Capital Increase in capital is credit. Decrease in capital is debit. Select any twenty categories from the above and identify a transaction that will have the required effect on the business. 1- Purchased Goods on credit 25,000. 2- Gave services for cash 5,000. 3- Brought cash in business 65,000. 4- Adjusting entry of out standing salaries 9000. 5- Wages wrongly debited to Sales 400. 6- Salaries wrongly debited to Drawings 600. 7- Paid to accounts payable in cash 1500. 8- Good s returned by customer worth 650. 9- Withdrew cash for personal use 550

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Energy Systems Assignment Task

Energy Systems Assignment Task For example: goalie position is in the aerobic glycolysis (breakdown of glucose) system. They are treading water in one position until someone takes a shot. When someone takes a shot, the goalie has to react fast and powerful to get maximum power. Utility players are going as fast as possible for the entire game. Center forward plays at a med-high speed, generally in the anaerobic system throughout the entire game. 3. ATP-PC System ATP is a complex chemical compound stored in the mitochondria. The compound consists of a large molecule called adenosine (A) and three smaller molecules called phosphates (P). Each of the phosphates is held together by high energy bonds. Phosphate P P P ADENOSINE High Energy Bonds Energy When the last phosphate has detached, energy stored in bonds between the phosphates becomes available and this is transferred to the cells. In the Muscle cells, the energy from ATP allows the fibres to contract and make movement possible. The heat and energy are released as the bond between the two end phosphates breaks Adenosine Diphosphate High Energy Bonds P P ADENOSINE This is now referred to as ADP (adenosine diphosphate) because it doesnt have all three phosphates attached. You can gain the phosphate back by resting. When youre resting, creatine phosphate steps in and resynthesise, that is, reattaching the phosphate and restoring the ATP which has been party destroyed. Creatine and Phosphate are also held together by high energy bonds. High energy bonds C = P Creatine Phosphate The bond between creatine and phosphate breaks down, releasing energy. C P Energy The energy released drives the free phosphate (Pi) back to join ATP. P ADENOSINE P Pi ENERGY ATP is brought back to its normal form and the cycle is continued until CP/PC supplies are exhausted. Phosphate High Energy Bonds P P P ADENOSINE The ATP-PC/CP system is a predominant energy system when there is a swim off at the start of the game, when there is a fight for the ball, when there is high intensity sprinting for the ball against your opponent and when goalie is reaching for the ball to save. This system has no by products and last for around 10 seconds. 4. Lactic Acid System When you have gone through your ATP-PC system completely (CP is exhausted), you move into the next best system, anaerobic glycolysis/lactic acid. This system last for around 2min 90sec but it depends on the intensity of the workout. Lactic acid/anaerobic glycolysis system produces energy for high intensity activities to medium intensity activities. When youre working out in the anaerobic glycolysis system, the lactic acid builds up in your muscles because oxygen is not available. This causes a burning sensation, shortness in breath and fatigue. The lactic acid uses glycogen to produce energy. An example of lactic acid in water polo is when youre in defence, youre chasing the attacker for a time longer than 10 seconds, and hence youre in the anaerobic glycolysis system. This systems by product is lactic acid and the main fuel is carbohydrates. An advantage from this system is that it is fast and good for burning carbohydrates. A disadvantage from this system is that is only last for 10 seconds. This system is generally used in team sports. 5. Aerobic Glycolysis Workouts that last for a period of 3 minutes to 2 hours are in the aerobic system. This system is oxygen required and is used generally for slow egg beater/treading water or defence (water polo). There are 3 main fuels; the best is carbohydrates, then fats, then protein. The by products are sweat/H ²o and Co ². This system last from 3 minutes to 2 hours. This is an efficient system particularly for its long time frame and consistent speed. A disadvantage from this system is that it is at medium-low intensity. This system creates the highest amount of energy of the three, although it works at the lowest intensity. At the start of a workout, oxygen cannot reach the muscles until the next couple of minutes so you have to rely on the anaerobic systems for that short amount of time. The aerobic system is broken down into three sections: Glycolysis Krebs cycle/citric acid cycle Electron Transport Chain (ETC) Glycolysis Glycolysis is the breakdown of carbohydrates in the form of glycogen of glucose into pyruvic acid. The Krebs Cycle The Krebs cycle is the second phase in the process of aerobic metabolism. Pyruvic acid that was produced in the stage of glycolysis enters the mitochondria and is instantly converted to acetyl coenzyme which combines with oxaloacetic acid that forms citric acid. Other chemical reactions occur to make enough energy to resynthesise 2 ATP molecules. Other chemical reactions occur to resynthesise 2 ATP molecules. The by-products of this include CO2 (carbon dioxide), H (Hydrogen) this process is called a cycle because the the starting product is oxaloacetic acid is also the finishing product. Electron Transport Chain (ETC) The hydrogen from the krebs cycle is transported into the inner membranes of the mitochondria where it is split into a electron and a proton. The electrons are then put through a series of redox reactions. This releases quite a lot of energy and can resynthesise ATP. 6. Centre forward Centre forward is one of the hardest positions to be in. It takes up a lot of energy to play in. Centre forward sits in the opponents goals and wrestles for the ball until they get the ball and then sprints down to their goal to get in a good position to shoot. The predominant system theyre in is Lactic acid/anaerobic glycolysis. They do not get a long time to recover from this so sometimes they slip into aerobic glycolysis/oxygen system. When theyre sprinting, theyre at their full potential, so theyre using what is left of their energy, therefore they are in their ATP system. ATP Lactic Acid Oxygen 10% 60% 30% 7. Lactic Acid Build Up The percentage of lactic acid is reasonably high (60%) during a centre forwards game. This may bring them down so theyre in the oxygen system for the other percentage of time. The build-up of lactic acid is bringing down their potential to play at their best. To be able to play more, they need to have a recovery. Theyre in recovery time when theyre waiting to tackle for the ball. This is the only time they basically get to recover. Oxygen is the key to getting rid of lactic acid. You need a minute to get enough into you to recover.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Formalistic Approach to Corona :: Corona Essays

Formalistic Approach to Corona The formalistic approach allows the reader to look at a literary piece, and critique it according to its form, point of view, style, imagery, atmosphere, theme, and word choice. The formalistic views on form, allow us to look at the essential structure of the story. Stories such as Corona by Samuel Ray Delany show the aspects of a formalistic literary piece. The specific word choice that the author uses is very obvious right from the beginning. The choice of words that are used in the opening sentences imply that the narrator does not have a high level of education, if any education at all. Then as the story progresses and more characters come into play, the narrator's language level became much more advanced. (English 102 L class lecture, January 24 2001) Words such as integration, trapezoid, and even the discussion of Lee's work on an algebraic problem show that her side is much more educated then Buddy's. (Stories, 344-345) Compared to the language at the beginning of the story when Buddy is introduced, Lee's side shows a much more complex style. This allows the reader to lead into realizing what the comparisons of the two character's lifestyles are. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, page 89, states that "Failure to note point of view as an aspect of form will result in a misreading or in an inadequate reading of the work." The way each of these characters are stated in the story is the narrators point of view. This is the author's way of making the differences between the two seem very obvious to the reader. The points of view make the form of the literary work stay together, plus stay consistent. If the author does decide to shift points of view, it is to achieve different effects at a specific time. (HCAL, 89) Delany uses this effect starting on page 347. As Lee begins to talk of her latest struggle, the story line quickly switches to Buddy and then back to Lee. The switching also relates to the form of the story, which is the most important aspect of the Formalistic literary approach. "Indeed, the fragmentation of story line and of time line in modern fiction and in some absurdist drama is a major formalistic device used not only to generate within the reader the sense of the immediacy and even the chaos of experience but also to present the philosophical notion of non-meaning and nihilism.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper Reading Response

This is a fictional story, in classic form, has a plot, a setting, a cast of characters, and a point of view in which the story is told. The conflict of this story is the struggle of Jane against her husband and then later her struggle against the wallpaper itself. However, it is the way in which the story is told and the unexpected conclusion at the end of it that make it unique and part of the 19th century. The setting of this story takes place during the summer in a rented home that John has acquired so that the narrator may rest and get well again.The story takes place about the time in which it was written, in the late 19th century. The house is a colonial mansion, which our narrator quickly tells us she thinks is haunted. It is in a rural setting surrounded by gardens and woods with â€Å"a lovely shaded winding road† leading up to the mansion. The main setting, which the narrator describes, is the room in which she stays. She goes into explicit detail as she carefully d escribes the yellow wallpaper which consumes more and more of her attention. The wallpaper becomes a moving prison to our main character, while other characters, like John, barely seem to notice its presence.There are not many characters in this story, but each one plays a vital role in giving the reader insight into the mind of the writer and allowing the reader to come to a deeper understanding of the meaning of the story. Jennie, a flat character and foil of the main character, is the main character’s sister-in-law and is the caretaker of the home. She is the â€Å"perfect and enthusiastic housekeeper and hopes for no better profession† who serves as a substitute wife for John’s traditional family view. She is the imprisoned woman who is perfectly fine with her prison, even blaming the narrator’s sickness on her untraditional thinking and writing.John, who is also a flat character, is the main character’s husband and is the archetype of the 19th century white male. He is a successful â€Å"practical physician† who treats his wife more like a patient than he does an equal partner. John is a representative image of the dominant sunlight, which in the story keeps the woman behind strict bars and prevents her from being free or creative. Though the narrator never explicitly tells us her name, the very end of the story says, â€Å"’I’ve got out at last,’ said I, ‘in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back! † This is a clear indication to me that the narrator’s name is Jane, as revealed by the crazy woman (Jane) who now thinks she was the one in the wallpaper. The narrator of the story, Jane, is the main character and is a round character that is fully developed. She is representative of the woman imprisoned, unsatisfied with being merely the submissive housekeeper. Jane is like the less dominant moon, which in the story allows the bars of the wallpaper to move and free the woman in the wallpaper from her daytime prison. We are given an insight into Jane’s mind and opinions through her writings in her journal.This story is told in first-person narration. However, it is not in traditional story form, but it is constructed as if we are reading the hidden journal of the Jane who is telling, us alone, all her intimate thoughts. This also allows for the time-lapse in which the story skips over weeks at a time allowing the reader to gain an understanding of what is going on without having to read mundane and unimportant details. The chronological order of the journal also lends to it appearing as if it could be an actual journal the audience is reading.Although The Yellow Wallpaper has all the components of the average fictional story such as plot, a setting, characters, and is even told in a fairly common point of view, the brilliant writing of the story combined with the unique way in which it is presented, make for an exciting story that keeps the reader’s attention. The story is also a deep insight into the author’s world and time revealing her own personal point of view. It is this creative writing, coupled with deep meaning and veiled in captivating writing, which assures this literary work will continue to remain a hallmark of fiction.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Learn How to Make Invisible Ink With Cornstarch

Learn How to Make Invisible Ink With Cornstarch Do you want to write a secret message? Try making invisible ink! The writing for this invisible ink technique is done using cornstarch. An iodine solution is used to reveal the writing. What You Need CornstarchIodineWaterToothpick or Cotton SwabHot Plate or StovePaper Make the Invisible Ink Essentially you want to make a thin cornstarch gravy. You will write using the gravy, allow the writing to dry, then reveal the message using an iodine solution.If you dont have a pre-made iodine solution, you can make some by adding a teaspoon of iodine to about 10 teaspoons of water. Set the iodine aside for later.Mix about 2 Tbsp cornstarch with 4 tsp water in a pan. Heat, while stirring, until smooth. You can boil the mixture to make a gravy; just be careful not to burn it!Remove the cornstarch gravy from the heat. Dip a toothpick, small paintbrush, or cotton swab into it and use it to write your message on paper.Let the paper air-dry.Brush a small sponge, swab, or paintbrush dipped in the iodine solution over the paper to reveal the hidden message. The message should appear purple. Tips You can use simple cornstarch in water to write the message, but the writing wont be as invisible as it is using cornstarch gravy.If the heat source is a problem, try using very hot tap water to hydrate the cornstarch rather than using a stove or hot plate.Iodine binds to the starch molecules to reveal the message.Try using other starches instead of cornstarch, such as diluted mashed potatoes or  mashed cooked rice with water.Cornstarch slightly alters the surface of the paper, so another way to reveal the secret message is to heat the paper with the message over a flame or with an iron. The message will darken before the rest of the paper, revealing the secret.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Health and Society

Health and Society Mental health refers to the ability of the brain to perform cognitive activities and to forge and maintain relationships with other members of the society. Mental health gives a sense of self worth. It is a basic requirement for one to make informed choices and live a fulfilling life. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Health and Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mental illnesses on the other hand are the conditions that inhibit the normal functions of the brain; such conditions include depression, anxiety disorder, and Bipolar disorder.In America, the situation of mental illness is so evident across the country; but of major concern are the rural areas. These areas experience higher rates of depression and other mental disorder as compared to their counterparts in the urban areas. The main activity of the rural America is farming and crisis that emerges from the cyclical farming and natural disasters as well a s being isolated from the rest of society tends to worsen the stress levels. The high numbers can be attributed to lack of facilities and or inaccessibility to those few facilities (Gamm Hutchison 2003, p.209). It has been documented that less than a third of the homeless Americanpopulation suffers from severe mental illness. These individuals are the most vulnerable to drug abuse, sexual violation and other forms of exploitation and stigmatization. Many psychiatric institutions in the United States were closed over four decadesago; citing concerns form the human rights. Since then the government has the left this care to the private sector facilities which tend to be hostile to the common American in terms of medical costs. Promises have been made to start cost effective outpatient clinics but up now, the facilities still remain a dream to many. This situation can not wholly be blamed on the government, but also on society that has neglected its own people. The lack of facilitie s should not be an excuse for neglecting the needs of the sick homeless; these days technology has advanced and medicines have developed that can be administered to these patients in their homes. Families should consider this method in order to reduce the disgrace of their own people in public (Kessler 2005, p.617). There are plans to improve the mental health situation, it is therefore important that the Center for Rural Affairs identifies mental health as a priority and set up medical facilities to help the people in need. To be cost effective, the experts should focus on preventive medicine and care. People should also be educated on ways of taking care of themselves; they should avoid activitiesthat would cause injuries to the head, as many mental problems come about as a result of brain trauma. Medical care should be made affordable to all Americans. Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Lear n More The government should also borrow a leaf from Medicaid, which is a private health insurance but still works to meet the medical requirements of the rural folk. Some people avoid seeking medical care because they fear that their privacy and medical information may be exposed to other people. Therefore confidentiality policies should be tightened to allow more people to visit the hospitals (Probst 2005). America is a role model society to other counties; the rising number of homeless people on the streets is a disgrace. The American society should do right by their less fortunate members in the society. References Gamm L. D. Hutchison L. L. Rural health priorities in America –Where you stand depends upon where you sit. Journal of Rural Health. 2003 19(3): 209 – 213. Kessler R. C. Prevalence, severity and co-morbidity of twelve-month DSM-IV disorders in the national co-morbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). Archives of General Psychiatry, 2005 June; 62(6): 6 17-27 Probst J. C. (2005). Depression in the Rural Populations: Prevalence, effects on life quality and treatment-seeking behaviour. Office of Rural Health policy, US Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

3 Cases of Superfluous Hyphenation

3 Cases of Superfluous Hyphenation 3 Cases of Superfluous Hyphenation 3 Cases of Superfluous Hyphenation By Mark Nichol The oft-misunderstood hyphen is often left out of a phrase because of confusion about (or ignorance of) its purpose; occasionally, perplexity about the hyphen’s function is the cause of extraneous use, as shown in the examples below. 1. The mother-of-two said she had never seen anything like it before. The simple descriptive phrase that provides more detail about the person requires no hyphenation: â€Å"The mother of two said she had never seen anything like it before.† Specifically, mother is hyphenated in a phrase only in rare instances of noun phrases such as mother-in-law and mother-of-pearl. 2. The rail authority originally planned to build from Burbank-to-Los Angeles before connecting the Central Valley to San Francisco. Phrases describing starting points and destinations are not generally hyphenated: â€Å"The rail authority originally planned to build from Burbank to Los Angeles before connecting the Central Valley to San Francisco.† (An exception is when the phrase is a phrasal adjective modifying a noun: â€Å"The rail authority originally planned a Burbank–to–Los Angeles line before connecting the Central Valley to San Francisco†; here, en dashes are used instead of hyphens because at least one of the terms in the range consists of more than one word.) 3. Tasting menus range from $215 for five-courses and $255 for seven-courses at lunch to $325 for nine-courses at dinner. Phrases in which a number serves as an adjective modifying a noun are not hyphenated: Tasting menus range from $215 for five courses and $255 for seven courses at lunch to $325 for nine courses at dinner. (Again, hyphens are appropriate in phrasal adjectives; here, an adjective and a noun combine to hyphenate a noun: â€Å"Tasting menus range from $215 for a five-course lunch and $255 for a seven-course lunch to $325 for a nine-course dinner.†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating ConjunctionsFlier vs. FlyerQuiet or Quite?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Demand and Price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Demand and Price - Essay Example The other consumers of corn have to resort to other alternatives that are relatively cheaper in the market. Biofuels are a product from corn and oilseeds; thus, the producers of biofuels have to substitute the input of the two raw materials for the optimization of profits. Thus, the producer faces the choices to incur a higher cost of production, reduce the output or increase the consumption of oilseed for production. The crop farmer benefits from higher returns and responds by increasing the production of corn (Dalton, 2009). The vertical axis shows the input of oilseed while the horizontal shows the corn input. The aim of the producing company is to maximize profit (Dalton, 2009). The point R we have the isocost line meeting with the isoquant. This combination of corn and oilseed will yield the company maximum output minimizing on cost which is the objective of the company. An increase in the demand of biofuels will mean that the company has to move to a higher output level. This w ill need an increase in the inputs, which are corn and oil seed. How developments in agricultural and conversion technology might influence the impacts identified in above The developments in agriculture aimed at production of more corn will lead to increase the supply of corn in the market. The increase in supply is likely to cause a decrease in the price of corn. However, with the advancing technologies of conversion coming into operation a wider range of materials will be usable for production of bio fuels (Bhamra et al., 2010). This will further, ease the burden of bio fuels production on corn. The price of corn would establish a new equilibrium with the demand that now will be. DI indicates the demand of corn. Pe and Qe show the equilibrium price and quantity. The production of biofuel using corn as a raw material causes an increase in the demand of corn, thus the demand curve shift shown by the arrows (Dalton, 2009). Consider the result below. The demand for more biofuels stim ulates a higher demand for corn (Gupta & Ayhan, 2010). The demand curve shifts to D2 and a new equilibrium at the point J. The effects of increased competition between participants in the market on the impacts identified above. The competition will result to a higher demand of corn. The crop farmers will expand production in order to feed the new market. This will mean changes in the farming practices and patterns. These changes necessitate farmers to use irrigation. The use of irrigation will cause a strain on water resources available. There will be a need to expand to potion of land used in corn cultivation yet limited space provides a challenge. The crop farmers will start cultivating of marginal lands, which are highly erodible (Gupta & Ayhan, 2010). The farmers will intensify the use of chemical inputs to increase crop yield. This will negatively affect the soil. This is because the increased use of fertilizers will lead to contamination of runoff and nutrient leaching. Howeve r, the level of damage will depend on management practices employed by farmers. Increase the level of cultivation may lead to high levels of erosion. This will further, affect the quality of water in the region. These damages will be presenting the problems of environment sustainability (Gupta & Ayhan, 2010). Cultivation of marginal lands and expansion of land under crop production is a threat to wildlife resources. The cultivation leads to destruction and clearing of vegetation,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Strengths of the welfare system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strengths of the welfare system - Essay Example In 1996, the welfare system was improved so that it can provide justifiable benefits to people with need (Welfare Information,† US Welfare System - Help for US Citizens†). The welfare system of America comprises several public programs, which intends to provide support to the people. For example, one important program of American welfare system is food stamps program, which assists poor people in purchasing grocery products. There is also unemployment benefits program that provide support to the employees who lost their occupations. The Medicaid program of American welfare system delivers inexpensive healthcare services to the low-income group people, thus assist the poor individuals to maintain healthy lifestyle. The child welfare program helps to prevent child abuse and encourage care for children who need assistance such as to live in foster homes or to arrange for reunification and adoption among others (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, â€Å"How the Child Welfare System Works†). The key strength of welfare system in America is that it provides assistance to people with need and thereby fights against poverty. It provide financ ial support with respect to domiciliary expenditures, food, clothing requirements and lodging, until the particular individual gain the ability to earn and to live. Historically, there was much concern in America regarding unequal treatment particularly for African ancestry. While providing support, families of African ancestry was likely to be abused and neglected. For example, it can be observed that African children are likely to be removed from foster homes on the basis class and they also experienced poverty, poor lodging and low level of access to health insurance. As an outcome, it eventually resulted in criminal behavior among black people. The rise of welfare system in America contributed greatly to the wellbeing of African ancestry in order to maintain a

Drug Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Drug Control - Essay Example But even in these new types of programs, the harmful status of marijuana continues to be diminished as it is becomes more commonly recognized among both youths and their parents that marijuana poses at most the no more of physical, psychological and social threat as hard drugs. However, harder drugs such as methamphetamines and cocaine are a different issue and should be viewed as such. All available resources should be used to keep these drugs out of the hands of teenagers, the most vulnerable group because they are easily influenced and suffer a greater potential for lifelong damage. Perhaps a more reasonable approach such as the decimalization of the soft drug marijuana and tighter controls on more dangerous substances should be considered. The teenage years are the time period when people transition from naive children to socially knowledgeable adults. During this part of life, most persons have feelings of insecurity because they are developing at a swift pace both physically an d psychologically. A teens need to belong within a group is powerful during this period and, along with the fact that they do not yet have the decision-making judgment of adults, often leads to bad choices including choosing to use hard drugs. Teenagers are naturally inquisitive, one of the justifications given for this age group experimenting with drugs. They also are inclined to become bored easily and experience recurrent emotional highs and lows, all probable factors in teenage drug use. Hard drug use increases the chance that teenagers will contract a social disease, become pregnant, perform inadequately in school and attempt suicide as this paper will examine. Adolescents are in a more vulnerable life circumstance than are adults because teens are still developing in every facet of their lives. Regrettably, it is this same group that has the most access to drugs as schools have become prolific illegal drug stores. Statistics collected by the National Institute on Drug Abuse de monstrate that schoolchildren have easy access to drugs and alcohol. â€Å"The average age of first alcohol use is 12 and the average age of first drug use is 13. Almost two-thirds of all American young people try illicit drugs before they finish high school† (Anderson, 1996) The relationship between hard drug use among teens and an increased occurrence of sexual activity is a broadly accepted reality by both researchers and the general public. Many studies have time and again demonstrated an association between unsafe sexual behavior and drug use by teenagers. Drug users are more prone to take risks than do teens that don’t use drugs. This may be an obvious assertion but a tendency to take unnecessary chances with their health combined with a lowering of inhibitions while on drugs and the inherent need of all teens to feel accepted by their peer group leads to increased sexual activity. This problematic circumstance also enhances the chance of teens having multiple se xual partners, having sex at an earlier age and decreases the odds that they will utilize contraception than those that do not use marijuana. â€Å"Teens 15 and older who use drugs are five times more likely to have sex than are those teens who do not use drugs and teens who have used drugs are four times more likely to have been pregnant or to have gotten someone pregnant than teens who have never† (The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 1997). Teenagers are more emotionally unstable younger children and adults

Zamyatin's We Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Zamyatin's We - Essay Example Before loving her everything was calm, happy and in perfect order for him, but now he is tormented with emotions of jealousy, anger, agony and fear his calm existence is shattered and he cannot sleep and when he does he is tormented by dreams. On one such agonized occasion when he has not met I-330 for a long time, he wanders around the glass city seeing and feeling strange things at the time for going to work, which is a crime punishable by death, when S-4711 a guardian who seems to be following him guides him to the medical office. Here D-503 is met by two doctors, 88 and 89 he recognizes one doctor 89 from his previous visit and starts telling him about shadows, a yellow world, insomnia and dreams. The doctor tells him that these signs mean that he has developed an incurable disease, he has developed a soul! Frightened D-503 asks him about this long forgotten word â€Å"soul† and why he has developed it and why no one else has it. The doctor tries to explain him the concept of soul in mathematical terms; he tells him that a soul is like a glass that instead of reflecting the glass had started to absorb things, maybe due to fire that has softened the glass’s surface. Just like D-503 had been softened by the love of I-330. The doctor further says that not everyone has it because the soul has become redundant just like feathers are not needed because man no longer needs to fly as he has invented machines also because he no longer needed to go anywhere as he had arrived in the place he was looking for the ‘perfect’ One State. The other doctor 88 states that the soul is becoming an epidemic â€Å"Extirpate imagination. Nothing but surgery, nothing but surgery will do___" and asks D-503 to become a part of an experiment as â€Å"It would be extremely useful to the One State. ... It would help us prevent an epidemic. .. Of course, unless you have some special

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Child labor in the U.S. and around the world Research Paper

Child labor in the U.S. and around the world - Research Paper Example On the other hand, in sub-Saharan Africa this age stands at 18 years in most countries. This age is normally enshrined in the law of a given country and employers are expected to consider it when providing employment opportunities. Nonetheless, employers capitalize on the cheap labor provided by children leading to abuse and exploitation. This development has triggered many international human rights organizations to protest about the practice as it is both inhumane and exploitative (Whittaker, 2004, p. 13). History of Child Labor in U.S Child labor in the US dates back to the 18th and 19th centuries when children provided labor in family farms, industries, mines, and plantations. This was most rampant during the industrialization process when industries needed large labor supply. Industrialization implied that adult strength was no longer a per-requisite to the operation of the machines (Child Labor in U.S. History). Factory owners realized that they could effectively and economical ly utilize the services of children in their factories in order to cut down on the cost of production. This is because hiring children was much cheaper as compared to hiring adults (Hindman 25). Plantation farming and mining were other economic sectors attracting child labor. By the mid of 19th century, child labor was widespread across the world. Children were used mainly to provide labor in farms and factories. Most of these children worked for estimated 12-18 hours per day, six days a week, as a way of earning income. In addition, it most of these children began working before they attained the age of 10 years. They engaged in activities such as tending of machines in spinning meals or hauling heavy loads. At this time, most of the factories had not implemented... Child labor in the U.S. and around the world Economic disparity between the rich and the poor has pushed many children out of school in a bid to secure some income for their families. It is currently estimated that there are 215 million child laborers globally. Of this total, 114 million (53%) are in Asia and Pacific, 14 million (7%) are in Latin America, and 65 million (30%) are in sub-Saharan Africa ( These working conditions violate the minimum age laws in the affected and involve abuse such as child trafficking, forced labor, and illegal activities. Children providing labor are deprived the opportunity to engage in children activities such as play and education. Child labor is fuelled by rising cases of poverty, which forces children to look for alternative sources of income. This draws them to provide labor especially in commercial agriculture, mining, domestic service, manufacturing, and fishing. Illegal activities involving child labor include prostitution, child soldiers, and drug trafficking. In this research paper, I seek to explore on the child labor as a practice. My primary objective is to indicate that child labor is both inhumane and less significant to economic growth and development and, therefore, should be discouraged at all costs. Child labor is inhumane and should be discouraged at all costs. It remains an illegal activity that every individual should stand up in arms against. It deprives the children the right to education in addition to lowering their self-esteem.

Testing to Improve Educational Improvements Research Paper

Testing to Improve Educational Improvements - Research Paper Example This project stresses that an educational standard is a means of improving school quality, by educating the need of effectiveness, and student data. By mandating the importance of educational values in public schools, these include states; policy makers’ not forgetting elected officials have the ability to increase the chance that students will obtain a minimum or set body of skills and information throughout their public-school education. Educational standardized achievement tests to determine learning quality as measuring high temperature with a tablespoon. Standardized success tests have a special measurement undertaking other than showing how good a school educational system is. Standardized tests should, therefore, be used to regulate the relative interpretations they were proposed to provide. Therefore, they should not be used to judge the quality of education. By looking at the significant reasons considered to be invalid in order to base inferences about the quality of education on standardized achievement test. This paper makes a conclusion that assessment aids in enhancing education and at the same time helps in recognizing how students use their knowledge in understanding and discovering. It also includes helping in developing and integrating new information by understanding the skills gained. It aids teachers and scholars to be acquainted with current understanding for future education. Thus educational standards are important in the assessment of the education process.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Zamyatin's We Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Zamyatin's We - Essay Example Before loving her everything was calm, happy and in perfect order for him, but now he is tormented with emotions of jealousy, anger, agony and fear his calm existence is shattered and he cannot sleep and when he does he is tormented by dreams. On one such agonized occasion when he has not met I-330 for a long time, he wanders around the glass city seeing and feeling strange things at the time for going to work, which is a crime punishable by death, when S-4711 a guardian who seems to be following him guides him to the medical office. Here D-503 is met by two doctors, 88 and 89 he recognizes one doctor 89 from his previous visit and starts telling him about shadows, a yellow world, insomnia and dreams. The doctor tells him that these signs mean that he has developed an incurable disease, he has developed a soul! Frightened D-503 asks him about this long forgotten word â€Å"soul† and why he has developed it and why no one else has it. The doctor tries to explain him the concept of soul in mathematical terms; he tells him that a soul is like a glass that instead of reflecting the glass had started to absorb things, maybe due to fire that has softened the glass’s surface. Just like D-503 had been softened by the love of I-330. The doctor further says that not everyone has it because the soul has become redundant just like feathers are not needed because man no longer needs to fly as he has invented machines also because he no longer needed to go anywhere as he had arrived in the place he was looking for the ‘perfect’ One State. The other doctor 88 states that the soul is becoming an epidemic â€Å"Extirpate imagination. Nothing but surgery, nothing but surgery will do___" and asks D-503 to become a part of an experiment as â€Å"It would be extremely useful to the One State. ... It would help us prevent an epidemic. .. Of course, unless you have some special

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Testing to Improve Educational Improvements Research Paper

Testing to Improve Educational Improvements - Research Paper Example This project stresses that an educational standard is a means of improving school quality, by educating the need of effectiveness, and student data. By mandating the importance of educational values in public schools, these include states; policy makers’ not forgetting elected officials have the ability to increase the chance that students will obtain a minimum or set body of skills and information throughout their public-school education. Educational standardized achievement tests to determine learning quality as measuring high temperature with a tablespoon. Standardized success tests have a special measurement undertaking other than showing how good a school educational system is. Standardized tests should, therefore, be used to regulate the relative interpretations they were proposed to provide. Therefore, they should not be used to judge the quality of education. By looking at the significant reasons considered to be invalid in order to base inferences about the quality of education on standardized achievement test. This paper makes a conclusion that assessment aids in enhancing education and at the same time helps in recognizing how students use their knowledge in understanding and discovering. It also includes helping in developing and integrating new information by understanding the skills gained. It aids teachers and scholars to be acquainted with current understanding for future education. Thus educational standards are important in the assessment of the education process.

Examples of Discipleship Essay Example for Free

Examples of Discipleship Essay I believe that Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Christian Aid are two prime examples of discipleship in this century, Bonhoeffer as an individual and Christian Aid as an organisation. Bonhoeffer was a German preacher born in 1906 to a medical professor and his wife in Breslau, a small town. From an early age he wanted to serve God, and so he studied theology at university and taught and preached in both Germany and America. He returned to his homeland in 1933 to protest against the newly elected Nazi party, and joined the new Confessing Church, having rejected his previous Protestant church for bowing to Hitlers demands. He worked in a secret training centre for new pastors, run by the confessing church, for four years, as the Gestapo closed it down in 1937. After that, and with the signs of the oppression soon to be felt by the German people becoming clearer, Bonhoeffer took a more active role in his campaigning against the Nazis, eventually leading him to a cell in a prison and the hangmans noose in 1945. One of the main tenants of Christian discipleship is Jesus teaching on the mountain: pacifism and love for enemies. Bonhoeffer was an avid believer in these ideals, and wrote his still-relevant book, The Cost of Discipleship, based around those thoughts. He interpreted the maxim of If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also as a call for pacifism and working out disagreements by reasoning rather than force. But Bonhoeffer was forced to challenge his own morals when the news of the violent anti-Semitism ignited by Hitler spread and several of his friends joined the German resistance. Most of those opposed to the Nazis saw that the only way to end the suffering caused by Hitler was to kill him. Public meetings were banned, and the press were heavily censored. The huge propaganda departments of the government would not allow any attempt by Bonhoeffer to spread his Christian teaching. So Bonhoeffer felt that he could be quiet, and wait until the war finished, and congratulate those that ended it, or he could play an active role in a plot to kill Hitler. Firstly he helped smuggle Jews out of Germany, but was caught and forced to give up any legitimate teaching. Forsaking any hope of reaching a peaceful end to the conflict, Bonhoeffer helped the bomb plot to assassinate Hitler. When it failed he was incarcerated, and he contemplated his deviance from Christian law. Bonhoffer had to make, on his own, one of the main questions that hangs over all belief systems: Whether the moment dictates what a person should do, or if people should always keep constant what they believe in. In his case it was between fighting evil and helping those in need or staying true to his pacifist roots. He chose to take a drastic step against some of Christs teachings to implement others, leading to his arrest and execution. This inevitable question still hangs over the church, and a viable answer has yet to be suggested. Christian Aid is a charity funded by numerous churches in the UK and Ireland. Although it is funded and staffed by Christians, Christian Aid will support any people in need, regardless of religion or race, and does not attempt to convert those it helps to Christianity. Although it combats poverty and need immediately and continually in global trouble areas, it also tries too stop poverty at its root, and was a large part of the Jubilee 2000 campaign to abolish third world debt. Christian aid has interpreted Jesus teaching on Discipleship and concentrated on the aid and help parts of his teaching. It would look to examples from his life: When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying hands on each one, he healed them (Luke 4:40) This sort of passage, frequent in the gospels, shows that Jesus cared greatly for the needy, rejecting the idea that they somehow deserved their punishment, and was not afraid to get dirty and ritually unclean to help. In the same way, Christian Aid was set up by Christians who do not judge those they help, and will go to any lengths to re-enact Christs good work. They also follow the teaching laid down by Jesus in his parables, such as the parable of the Good Samaritan: He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own Donkey, brought him to an Inn and took care of him. (Luke 10:34) The idea of this parable, where one man steps in where others fear to tread, inspires Christian Aid a lot, as they are physically helping the needy of the world while other members of society just stand back and watch, sometimes nodding approvingly. They see this following of Jesus as being true to one of Jesus main teachings, Love your neighbour as yourself And seek to harmonise the lot of people around the world by abolishing suffering through war, poverty and disasters. As Christian Aids motto goes; We believe in life before Death, Christian Aid is rejecting the traditional view of the churches preaching yet not acting, and are playing an active role in the reduction of suffering. They see Jesus message not just as an instruction to put up with life until you die, but also as a chance to help the needy, and prove before God their faith as Christians.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Gojira 1954 And Godzilla 1998 Film Studies Essay

Gojira 1954 And Godzilla 1998 Film Studies Essay Humans have been around for thousands of years. Today, many movies have been created based on stories and legends of influential people and life-changing events that were recorded in history. Inspiration for the 1954 film Gojira came about as a result of World War Two during the twentieth century. The devastation brought on Japan by the two nuclear bombs had inevitably raised a wide spread awareness about nuclear weapons and its radioactive destruction (Ragone 2007). Both, Gojiras and Godzillas creation were linked to the nuclear bomb. With reference to the 1998 film Godzilla, it can be seen that the creation of the terrible lizard was linked to French nuclear weapons testing in the French Polynesia. Similarly in the Japanese context, Gojira was shown to be linked not only to the atomic bombs, but the hydrogen ones as well. With the devastation of the two atomic bombs still fresh in the Japanese minds, further H-bomb tests were carried out near Japan and eventually, the radiation fallout directly impacted on the Japanese fishing industry, causing a sharp decline. With all these tragic events occurring within a short span of time, Gojira was concocted out as an incarnation of the war itself (Ragone 2007 pg. 35) as the producers wanted a real-world scenario that reflected the Japanese concerns that time. In order to effectively protray the nature of destruction caused in the films Gojira and Godzilla, visual effects became increasingly important as it was necessary to provide an acceptable level of realism for audiences who will be watching the film. Therefore, this led to the development and creation of different visual effect techniques. Then with the advancements in technology, some older techniques were modified and re-developed accordingly. In this investigation, it will bring to light the common, yet contrasting comparisons of filmmaking between the analogue and digital eras. 2| Scene Selection | I will be comparing two parallel special effects sequences in both Gojira and Godzilla. A breakdown of this complex scene will be accompanied with a description of its technical aspects in laymans terms. The scenes involve the two animals going on a rampage through a major city at night causing massive damages. It also includes military forces trying to eliminate the creature. These two scenes were specifically chosen as I will like to highlight the core visual effects elements that can be found throughout the films. 3| The Character| It was called Gojira, but was later known as Godzilla for the American audiences. (Godzilla, King of the Monsters 1998) In the 1954 Gojira, visual effects director Eiji Tsuburaya pioneered a technique called Suit-mation. The main reason for the introduction of Suit-mation was because of the need to complete the job within a short timespan (Ragone 2007). If stop-motion technique was used, it would have taken them seven years to complete the film. The suit was constructed mainly from hand-stirred latex and then refined subsequently. Even after refinements, the suit could only be worn for several minutes due to the unbearable heat and almost non-existent ventilation within. Due to its flexibility limitations and tremendous weight, the first suit was scrapped as the actor inside could not even move. In certain scenes where only the legs of Gojira were filmed, the suit was cut into two and attached to suspenders, allowing the actor to be more comfortable while filming (Godzilla, Designing Godzilla featurette 2005). Figure |Man in halved Gojira suit Development on analogue visual effect techniques can be seen clearly in the 1998 Godzilla, when Tsuburayas technique of Suitmation was used. Trained professional puppeteers were hired for shots that needed more physical realism with the miniatures that they were interacting with. Eventually, the Godzilla suit would be replaced with a CG Godzilla. Animatronics, a technique similar to the Suitmation technique, was introduced. In this case, instead of Human actors in the creatures costumes, machines were used to replace them. This method allowed many close-up interaction shots which enabled a high level of realism (Aberly 1998). The suit was not entirely presented as a guy-in-a-suit. Primitive visual effects were added to give Gojira a scarier feel. In the shot where Gojira was tearing up Tokyo and boasting its bright flashing hind fins, hundreds of cells were hand drawn frame by frame (Ryfle 1998). In several shots where Gojira was using its atomic breath, the creature was actually a hand puppet (Godzilla 2005). With much use for puppetry and animatronics, computer generated graphics still triumphed as the best tool for visual effects in the digital era. In addition, with the developments of computer animation software and techniques, realism took to a new height. Puppeteers whom took the role of Gojira would soon be replaced with computer animators sitting behind the desk. While the actor in the Gojira suit was acting for the scene, he would be filmed using a high speed camera at around 240 frames-per-second. The film would then be projected at 24 frames-per-second giving the feel of weight and size (Faller 2010). Using modern day tools to make Godzilla (1998) move, instead of shooting a guy-in-a-suit at a high frame rate, Centropolis FX had Godzilla key-frame animated in the computer. Due to the difficulty of animating such a huge creature, the team of animators grew from twelve to sixty (Martin 1998). Subsequently, After many failed attempts of animating a proper walk cycle, the team managed to get the same feel of the high speed camera shots by animating Godzillas movement at a slower speed (Martin 1998). From using chicken wires and glued latex for the construction of the 1954 Gojira (Designing Godzilla featurette 2005), polygons and NURBS took over in the digital era. The Gojira suit was made by wrapping thin wires and bamboo with chicken wire. Cushions and fabric were also added for the actors comfort. Hand stirred latex was later applied onto the suit as skin (Designing Godzilla featurette 2005). Even though CGI was of an advanced technology, there were still setbacks. Modelers had to split up their work of digitizing the entire creature by manually using a stylus to draw out every single mesh into the computer. Furthermore, the software was not perfect and had its limitations. A Special Projects team was sent from Soft Image to trouble-shoot problems encountered by the CGI crew (Aberly 1998). Ideally, Gojira was thought to have suffered burns and scars from the H-bomb test. The textures and the suit of Gojira were hand crafted by two people. Tireless hours were spent modeling the skin bumps by using latex and then gluing it onto the skin (Godzilla, Designing Godzilla featurette 2005). However in the modern day Godzilla, there was the technology of displacement mapping whereby the 3D geometry of Godzilla would be displaced using a texture map that contained details of the skin. With the model rendered out in different passes (Martin 1998), the process was more effective and also gave compositors more freedom in manipulating the image to create a realistic Godzilla. 4| The Set | As the two Godzillas enter the city and begin their trail of destruction, the set they were on had to look real. Although both movies used miniatures for filming, this special effects technique was inevitably developed and refined extensively due to technological advancements. 4.1| Miniatures | Miniatures for Gojira (1954) were made for use as a city scape. Tsuburaya had the miniatures built mostly in the 1/25 scale, with the exception of the Diet building which was a 1/33 scale (Ragone 2007). With reference to the scale of the Gojira suit with the miniature set scale, it created an illusion of Gojiras large size. Buildings were made in a forced perspective method where buildings closer to the camera were built bigger and those at the horizon smaller. The sets were actually built on wooden platforms to allow cameramen to do low angle shots, making the buildings look even bigger (Ryfle 1998). Thin plaster and wood were used for the buildings framework. Elaborate planning of the citys construction included custom made streets that would create footprints when being stepped on. Plaster was poured over sawdust to create that effect (Ryfle 1998). Digital techniques such as CG effects animation helped the 1998 Godzilla in creating street cracks. With the help of Thomas Hollier, a senior technical director, street impact technology was created. This allowed a pipeline for a more effective way for animating pavements that would crack under Godzillas weight (Martin 1998). Miniatures were also widely used in the making of Godzilla (1998). Huge 1/24 size models were built to accommodate Godzillas path of destruction. Huge 1/10 models were also built for close-up shots. The buildings were much more detailed with some featuring plumbing and even desks. There were several miniature buildings that were reused from The Hudsucker Proxy and The Fifth Element. With this, a great amount of production time was saved as redesigning of the rest of the set was no longer required. Although both Godzilla movies incorporated miniatures, Godzilla (1998) added extensive digital compositing over its miniatures to give it more realism (Martin 1998). Techniques adopted for destroying the miniature buildings were much more sophisticated in the newer film. In the 1954 version, kerosene soaked rags were used to set the miniatures ablaze (Ragone 2007). For those that were to be destroyed by Gojiras fiery breath, explosives were set behind the buildings. Several buildings even had gasoline sprayed on them to make them burn more easily. For buildings that were supposed to be destroyed by physical contact, small cracks were made in those miniatures so that it would crumble in a more believable fashion when Gojira crushed it. It was a daunting task for the actor inside as he had to get it right on the first take as there was not enough budget and time for a rebuild (Ryfle 1998). In 1998, there were more types of pyrotechniques available and one such example would be the military type. Different methods were developed to be used on the different types of destruction. As Godzilla races through the city with its tail in free motion causing damages to buildings, cable pulls were attached to sandbags in the buildings interiors. When they were pulled, a trail of damage would occur as if Godzillas tail had swept through them. Mechanical rigs were also used to blast through a building with the CG Godzilla to be composited in later. The Chrysler Building in the scene which was destroyed by a misfire from the attack helicopters were very complex mechanical rigs. Right after the top floors exploded, it was orchestrated to shift and descend towards the camera (Aberly 1998). On the whole, miniature destruction could be choreographed with more control. Miniature vehicles were also used on the set for both films. The military elements used in the Gojira scene were tanks. Extensive pyrotechnical effects were used for the firing of the tank weapons. When the tank shells hit Gojira, blasts were created by wire rigged charges (Ryfle 1998). Comparing this to a similar scene in the 1998 movie, instead of tanks, CG Apache attack helicopters were used. Tracer fire, blasts including debris and smoke from the damage were all entirely computer generated. In addition of the rain and lighting effects which included the volumetric searchlights, RenderMan shaders were developed solely for the wet look of the helicopter. However, at the shot when Godzilla decides to lash out at the attacking military helicopters, a miniature was used. With creative ingenuity, a 1/8 scale model was made loaded with pyrotechnics and detonated (Martin 1998). 4.2| Atmosphere | To create the perfect terrorising atmosphere, Gojira (1954) was shot using a low-key lighting effect (Biodrowski 2007). This is because Low key lighting would create a darker toned picture with contrasting bright contours which is more suitable for dramatic shots. The grainy cinematography would also feed an extra punch to the eerie effect throughout the film (Ryfle et al. 2007). With the advancements in technology, analogue methods would be often replaced by colour grading and compositing. In Godzilla (1998), instead of using a low-key effect to give the dramatic shots, the environment was given a CG rain touch up. This was a complicated scene where many effects animations were applied. Not only was computer generated imagery used, acquisition footage was also being recorded for the environments. From rain to shattering windows, these footages would later be composited at different scales to tie up the scene together with the CG Godzilla (Martin 1998). Lighting was a key element in creating the perfect environment. Real lights from orange and bluish street lamps had to be reflected onto the CG Godzilla. Due to location shots where real lights were aimed at buildings when Godzilla was supposed to be in the foreground, artists had to rotoscope out the real lights and animate the CG ones. More complications had arisen when Godzilla rampaged and took out the real street lamps. Firstly, lights from the real lamps had to be rotoscoped out. A CG lamp would then be created and animated to flip or be destroyed (Martin 1998). Although this entire sequence would seem small compared to the main character, it made the scene look believable. Another small detail to add on is the stationary cars from the live action footage that underwent rotoscoping when Godzilla stomped past them. Compositing artists had to create rotoscope mattes for the vehicles and animate their bounce by hand. The add-on of the camera shake at post-production level also helped with the realism (Martin 1998). 5| The Conclusion| In my chosen scenes which depict the destructions from the streets of Tokyo to Manhattan, both Gojira and Godzilla held similar iconic symbolisms and metaphors. In the 1950s when Gojira was made, there were many underlying reasons for its creation. The focal point was the atomic bombs. Since Japan had directly experienced the impact of the bombs, it would have held a deep significance for them. To a certain extent, it was believed that without the two atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Gojira would not have surfaced. Gojiras rampage through Tokyo would serve as a reminder of the recent devastating nuclear attack on Japan to the survivors of the atomic bombs as well as to the rest of the Japanese. Gojira also created awareness on new nuclear weapon testing and how our interference with Mother Nature might one day prove apocalyptic and leave a trail of death and devastation. Today, in the modern world context where technological advances are ever improving and as well as relative peace, Godzilla (1998) still carries the same essence as it did 44 years ago. With the threat of existing nuclear weapons and even deforestation which leads to Global Warming, metaphorically, Godzilla still serves as a reminder and warning of an impending disaster if we do not change our ways. Iconically, Godzilla would be referred to as a present doomsday movie. From comparing the different special effects techniques that were used in 1954 to those used in 1998, one could see how the technology leap into the digital era made a big difference in improving film quality and the workflow efficiency of special effects artists. Even though gone were the days where analogue techniques such as filming in front of glass mattes were regarded as the modern methods of special effects, several analogue techniques are still considered relevant with the present world. The integration of both analogue and digital effects proved to be a success in creating a hyper-real Godzilla. With the age of computers and constant development on digital techniques and tools, no one knows what the future might hold for us as special effects artists. However, like all foundations of buildings, the journey of learning the history and methodology of analogue techniques should be deemed as equally important for future developments. 6| Bilbliography| BOOKS Aberly, R., 1998. The making of godzilla. London: Titan books. Kalat, D., 1997. A critical history and filmography of tohos godzilla series. 2nd ed. USA: Mcfarland and company, inc. Ragone, A., 2007. Eiji tsuburaya: masters of monsters. San Francisco: Chronicle books. Ryfle, S., 1998. Japans favourite mon-star: the unauthorised biography of the big g. Canada: ECW press. JOURNALS Martin, K., 1998. The sound and the fury. Cinefex, 74(3), 84-107. WEBSITES Faller, G., 2010. Tsuburaya, eiji. Available from: [Accessed 9 October 2010] Biodrowski, S., 2007. Gojira(1954)/Godzilla, king of the monsters(1954)-Film and DVD review. Available from: [Accessed 25th October 2010] Ryfle, S. and Goldstein, B., 2007. Godzilla 50th Anniversary Pressbook. Available from: [Accessed 1st October 2010] DVD Godziszewski, E., Ryfle, S. and Aiken, S., 2005. Godzilla. DVD. UK: British Film Institute. Godziszewski, E., 2005. Godzilla-Designing Godzilla featurette. DVD. UK: British Film Institute. VIDEO Godzilla, King of the Monsters, 1998. Video. UK: BBC Video.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Rudolph Christian Karl Diesel :: essays research papers

Rudolph Christian Karl Diesel Rudolph Diesel was born on March 18, 1858 in Paris. On September 4, 1870 Rudolph's family moved to England. In late November they decided it would be better for Rudolph to continue his schooling in Germany so he moved there on his own and stayed with a young professor. The problems Rudolph was trying to solve were the noise, size and unreliability of the steam engine. he wanted to create something that superheated ammonia gas could take the place of steam in a steam engine. He wanted to enable much higher compression pressures to be used than was able with conventional steam engines. In this way he could make greater use of heat energy. Rudolph was 32 when he finally accomplished his goal of creating the first ever Diesel Engine. To create the Diesel engine which made Rudolph famous he had to take the original steam engine and give it exhaust valves water cooling for the cylinder head and barrel and a compressed air fuel-injection system to ensure that the liquid fuel was forced into the combustion space with sufficient pressure to overcome the air in the cylinder. This basic idea of how to go about creating the engine was modified and improved many times before finally prefected in 1896. To do this Rudolph had to have a great understanding of Thermodynamics. He had to know basic principles of engines and how they work. Rudolph got help from many people. Some of the people that helped him are Machine-fabric Augsburg, Gasmotoren-Fabric Deutz and Mannesmann-Werke. It took them six years to finish the Diesel Engine. It was important because it gave a new and easier way of using engines. It gave a way for large vehicles to transport goods safely.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Inuit Culture and Society Essay -- Culture

When you mention Alaska and the Arctic Circle, one envisions igloos, dog sleds, and invariably, Eskimos. However, little do most know, that what most refer to as Eskimos is actually a generalization representing three distinct groups. In order to understand the societies that live in this region and acknowledge their cultural differences we must explore the different groups that inhabit this region of which there are two: the Inuit, and the Yupik. For the purposes of this discussion we will focus on the lives of the Inuit. The Inuit are a group of people often mischaracterized as Eskimos. They lived in the area of central and northeastern Canada and Greenland. There has been much discussion of the orignination of this group of people but the most recognized theory is that they crossed from northern Asia across thin bridge of land over the Bering Strait sometime around 6000-2000 BC. Many people mistakenly think that the Inuit and Native Americans are one in the same. It seems that the Inuit most likely came from Asia more likely than the Native Americans. Although both probably came to the Americas through the Bering Strait. Biological, cultural and dialect differences show the different origin. Much of this theory is supported due to the close resemblance of the Inuit to the Mongoloid races of Eastern Asia. Because of the harsh land and climate of the Arctic, this area was probably one of the last regions to be inhabite d making the Inuit on of the earth’s younger cultures. A large portion of the Inuit culture was developed based upon the need to survive. Migratory societies such as the Inuit were driven by the need for food to feed its members, by the availability of trade to secure resources not normally available ..., J. Sidney. (2012). Inuit, . Retrieved March 11, 2012, from The Inuit Culture. (2009). Retrieved March 10, 2012, from Frederic V. Grunfeld (Ed.), Oker: Spiele der Welt II. (in German) Fischer, Frankfurt/M 1984. ISBN 3-596-23075-6 Betty Kobayashi Issenman: Sinews of Survival – The Living Legacy of Inuit Clothing. UCB Press, Vancouver 1997. Pulaarvik Friendship Kablu Centre (2007). Retrieved March 7,2012, from Maas, David. "Alaska Natives," in Native North American Almanac, edited by Duane Champagne. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994. Craig, Rachel. "Inupiat." Native American in the Twentieth Century: An Encyclopedia, edited Mary B. Davis. New York: Garland Publishing, 1994. Ernest Burch Jr., Werner Forman: The Eskimos. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman 1988, Macdonald/Orbis, London 1988

Friday, October 11, 2019

“Drown” by Junot Diaz Essay

In the book Drown by Junot Diaz has expressed a persons experience and environment impacts them in a negative ways. Even the ones that help eachother throughout the way could also affect one in a negative way.It will make one do things one might not want to do and doesnt notice because their in a type of mood. They don’t realize what their decisions are taking them the right path taking challenges and overcoming them or go the wrong path to life trying to make things easy for you which means doing things that are wrong.. In the beginning of my reading Yunior and Papi relationship wasn’t so close. Papi and Yunior were in the car together and Yunior was feeling car sick. In chapter â€Å"Fiesta† on page 29 it stated â€Å"when we were alone he treated me much better,like maybe I was his son or something†. This is saying since their father and son relationship was not close they didn’t have father and son love. Meaning Papi doesn’t give Yunior â€Å"heat†(father love). Unlike Mami she would say â€Å"que dios te bendiga† in chapter â€Å"FIesta on on page 35 which means god will be there protecting you at all times. One night Mami and Papi were at a party dancing acting as if their teens again having no responsibilities. Yunior would be like the security guard making sure nobody trashes the party. Mami and Papi are two different people. Papi would cheat and Yunior would find out at the parties. Papi was too strict because he would tell Yunior and his brother in chapter â€Å"Fiesta,1980† on page 37 said â€Å" If you eat anything I’m going to beat you  ¿Entiendes? I nodded And if your brother gives you any food, Ill beat him too right in front of everybody.  ¿Entiendes?† This means that the father didn’t have any respect towards his son or the people at the party. The father doesn’t care what happens to his son he wants to be the boss. This affects Yunior in a negative way because Yunior would be scared of his own father and wouldn’t have the love of his father. Yunior would like to eat the food that they have at the party but his father said no! A real father wouldn’t do that to his own children. If Papi was a real father he would treat his children in a nice way as a real caring father. This overall affects him when he continues to grow up when Yunior has his own children. He would treat them with more love because he didn’t get love from his own dad. Yunior would probably doesn’t want his children to grow up like that but better. Time has passed by and Yunior has lived without his father for nine years of his life. This could affect him because so many  things could have been happening in his life and Papi was never there for him. This affects him because they don’t have a close relationship. Mami took care of them for a long time and was always with them because she would work for 12 hours. Mami has worked at a bar but the neighborhood they live in isn’t safe. So men walk her home. Yunior could also be affected by Mami because while Papi wasn’t in their lives Mami had to do everything possible so Yunior and his brother would have everything needed for example food,clothes and water etc. Which means when Mami works shes away from her children. In this case Junot Diaz fails to prove the purpose that the people that help you throughout the way in life could affect one in a negative way. In chapter â€Å"Aguantando† on page 75 Yunior says â€Å"I never wanted to be away from the family,Intuitively distances could harden and become permanent†. This is saying since his father was away for many years and he doesn’t want to have distance between family because soon theyâ€⠄¢ll become strangers. This connects to the authors purpose that a persons experience and environment impacts them in negative ways. There will be changes in life, they might be positive or negative.This proves how Yunior felt about his family being separated not being a normal happy family. He expresses his sensitive side that family is supposed to be close and never should distance be a problem. In chapter â€Å"Aguantando† on page 83 it states â€Å"Rafa was right.It wasent the first time in two yeras after left. Papi wrote saying he was coming for us and like an innocent, mami believed anything. she prepared a party even lined up to have a goat there for slaughtering. she bought me and Rafe new clothes and when he didn’t show she sent everybody home.† This says that Papi wrote a letter to them saying he would go get them but he lied. Mami tried her best to have a welcome party when papi arrived. This also proves that Papi affected the whole family. But the father doesn’t see m to care at all. When Yunior grows up he will probably try to be a better father to his children than his own children. Without his father it also affects him to what kind of friends he has. Because he doesn’t have a father advice. Yunior shoplifts and sells drugs. His mother probably didn’t notice because she was busy with work and and payed more attention to her childrens needs like having food,shelter and good to go to school. But not emotionally on how Yunior felt about Papi not there with him and Mami working all the time for them.. Yunior could have a empty space in  his heart because his family isnt complete. Ramon De Las Casas (father) left Santo Domingo before his fourth birthday. â€Å"Papi had been planning to leave for months,hustling and borrowing from his friends or from anyone† on page 163. This is saying thats his father left him at a very young age. Yunior will live without fathers love. His father wanted to leave and probably didn’t think about it carefully he just wanted to leave right away. â€Å"After a fork pierced him in the cheek, Papi decided to move ,just until things cooled down. He took a small bag of clothes and broke out early in the morning† on page 1 63 from â€Å"Negocios†. Mami and Papi had a argument and and Papi just decided to leave and not communicate with each other. This would affect Yunior because at this time he was little and probably wouldn’t understand things. Maybe he thought his father just didn’t want to be with his family and doesnt love them. Subsequently a person could be affected by their environment and experience â€Å" He was twenty four. He didn’t dream about his familia and wouldn’t for many years. He dreamed instead of gold coins,like the ones that had been salvaged from the many wrecks about our island,stacked high as sugar cane† in chapter â€Å"Negocios† on page 169. this is expressing that Ramon didn’t care about his family and the love they have for him. He just wants to be rich and leave. This would affect Ramon and Yunior because Ramon won’t have nobody to be with and Yunior would be affected by not having his father with him in his childhood. He would probably ask himself †why did he leave us? why doesn’t he love us?† Overall one is affected by the environment and experience they go through. It is always important to value things in life even if their little. Big or little things affects one in a positive or negative way. Junot Diaz’s proves that a person’s environment and experience affects them in a positive or negative way. But overall one must not let negative things that happen in life to a serious impact on one because it brings us down emotionally and mentally. One must always be grateful to what they have not everyone has the same things as one does!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How basketball taught me hard work and discipline Essay

Self-Presentation General purpose: how basketball taught me hard work and discipline Specific purpose: hard work can help achieve anything Thesis statement through basketball I learned how to work hard and discipline myself to achieve my goals in life My passion for the basketball started when I was in my second year of high school, basketball not only helped me grow but also taught me a lot of things that I use in my everyday life. My passion for the game began during my last year of middle school, but despite trying out for the middle school team I was not chosen to be a part of it. Although this was of great disappointment to me, it did not deter me from my love of the game. It made me more driven and determined to work hard during the summer prior to entering high school to ensure that I was in a position to try-out for the high school freshman team. I practiced morning, noon and night in 90 degree heat, perfecting my shot and working out to improve my skills. This hard work paid off, when I was chosen to be a part of the freshman team and I have continued to work hard during my high school years to be an asset to the varsity team. I feel sure that this experience of being a part of the high school basketball team has helped me become successful in my academic life. Being part of a team has instilled in me the responsibilities and work ethic that carries over into other aspects of my life and I feel sure that this will be extremely valuable in my future endeavors at the University. And really more precisely on hard work, there is a saying that â€Å"hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work hard.† I believe this because to me it means that no matter how good you are if you don’t work hard, your talent is nothing. If Michael Jordan had not believed in working hard then he would not have been anywhere near as good as he is today. You do not only need to work hard in sports in the classroom, and life in general. Working hard in the classroom will give you many advantages later in life. That way you can get into a good college, and get a good job later in life. In all this experience, the greatest thing I learn is that hard work pays off, Although the above experience and accomplishment of being chosen to be a part of a team has contributed and shaped the person I am today.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Comparison of market structures of US retail and housing industry Term Paper

Comparison of market structures of US retail and housing industry - Term Paper Example Where there are four types of market structure which are monopoly, oligopoly, pure competition and monopolistic competition. there are number of factors which determine the market structure which are number and size of firms in the particular market, degree of similarity with competitor’s product, firm’s control over its product’s prices, barriers to entry and exit in the market, and the amount of competition based on non price factor. USA housing industry is classified sector wise in mining, construction, manufacturing, retail, wholesale, real-state, professional, administrative and other. These sectors are interdependent on each other in terms of performance and growth. The effect of US crises on housing industry was devastating as demand for land development turn down largely, now the circumstances are far better and recovering. Whereas US retail industry vends specialized and customized products and offers wide variety of products to the consumers. The change in consumer preference and taste has brought up many new opportunities and challenges for retail industry. Recent recession in US economy has shrank the purchasing power resulting in low sales and ultimately low revenue. The selected US retail industry for analysis is tobacco industry; it retails cigarettes, loose tobacco, cigars and cigarillos, and chewing tobacco. Cigarettes have the highest market share of more than 90% in tobacco industry, whereas others have very low market share with very growth rate. Whereas construction is the selected sector from housing industries, which is the second largest revenue generating industry among others US housing industries. US tobacco retail industry is dominant by few large players namely Philip Morris, Reynolds American and Lorillard which jointly holds 90% of the total market value which is actually very huge percentage and hindrance for the growth of small companies (Zitzewitz, 2003). Cigarettes segment is the dominant segment therefore market structure of this industry depends on its market size, market growth, competition and number of companies operating. Product differentiation is very low in this market whereas barriers to entry are significantly high, and associated companies face non-price competition. This shows that this industry possess oligopoly market structure. The selected US housing industry is construction and engineering, is the second largest in terms of revenue contribution to housing industry whereas it has the highest employment ratio as this sector is highly dependent on human resource. This industry decline by 13.9% in 2010 with a market value of $563.1 billion where as it is forecasted that this industry will show an increase from 2010 to 2015 by 26.2 % with an increased market value of $712.9 billion (Datamonitor, Aug 2011). This US industry contributes 24.7% in the global construction and engineering industry. Players in the market are dependent upon suppliers and buyers, whereas the larg est segment of US construction and engineering industry is non-residential building (Datamonitor, Aug 2011). The market structure of the US construction and engineering industry is determined by five key drivers, which are supplier power, buying power, degree of rivalry, new entrants and number of substitutes available. Barriers to entry are there in the market but industrial growth, accessibility of suppliers and weak brands in the market largely appreciates new entrants. There are various factors which determine the supplier power in US construction and engineering industry which are, the degree to which input is differentiated, forward integration, importance of quality/cost, number of substit

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research Paper on the film No Country For Old Men Essay

Research Paper on the film No Country For Old Men - Essay Example Using the critical mythological approach in analyzing the film’s content and how the events lead to one another, it is possible to entertain the existence of strong or invincible people despite having the fragile nature of humans, and how differing ideas regarding higher beings, destinies or fate, and the laws of the universe control the thoughts and viewpoints of individuals, which are also universal themes seen in older or classical stories. Evasion of and Facing People, Circumstances, and Death Some of the most compelling stories include parts wherein the main protagonist escapes getting hunted down and killed by adversaries, of having the need to face the enemies, and the possibility of ending up dead. This is an archetypal storyline of heroes and their adventures or quests, which in a way builds the heroic character and nature of the main protagonists (Guerin 153). ... rchetypal predisposition, wherein there is an evasion of circumstances when a hero initially stops to think and plan, to meditate or do retrospective thinking in order to transform and become better (Guerin 166). On the other hand the need to face people, circumstances and death as the consequence of events are shown in Moss’s unexpected death not from Chigurh but from a group of Mexicans shows how he faces death as the circumstance of seeing the results of a drug deal gone wrong and holding on to money he does not rightfully own right from the start, of Chigurh facing divine punishment after getting hit by a car and nearly dying right after scenes imply that he killed Moss’s wife, Carla Jean, and of Sheriff Bell having to face the reality that he has to let go of some things and move on with his life as his retired uncle explains to him(â€Å"No Country†).While not in their entirety seen as an adventure or heroic story, the individual lives of Moss, Chigurh, and Sheriff Bell reflect similarities with the quests of mythical heroes, of which some may succeed such as Chigurh, some may fail such as Moss and his death, and some momentarily put it on hold such as Sheriff Bell’s thoughts on resignation. Invincibility and Weakness Invincibility and weakness are often bound to each other, and usually employed in some, if not most classical works to remind people that despite all perfections within humans there will always be a hint of a weakness to ground them as mere mortals (Guerin 153). The Coen Brothers exploited this archetypal image of invincibility and weakness in developing Chigurh, the main antagonist in No Country for Old Men. Chigurh’s character is the definition of a scary, amoral, and dangerous antagonist that cannot be persuaded to spare lives by any means

Monday, October 7, 2019

Construction Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Construction Law - Assignment Example The feedback from the client is also on the negative side as projects are unpredictable regarding delivery time, budgets always exceeding the initial estimated and quality of work failing to meet industry standards. (Department of Trade and industry, 1998)A lot of time is also lost in trials and litigations thereafter. Another problem is that the industry is highly fragmented with a lot of players thus leading to loss of continuity in working and delay in assessing ones exact scope of work. It is with respect to these ambiguities that a proper study of the English Contract Law needs to be done prior to entering into an agreement. A contract is a set of promises made by one party to another party, the breach of which could enter both the parties into a dispute. The clauses in the contract would then act as a sort of remedy of the performance to be undertaken. Some of the terms relevant to the English Contract Law are (i) The Proof of the Promise: This is achieved by the idea of objective intention. This would in effect be the intentions of the concerned parties that an external observer like a court would decide when this matter is referred to it. A case which illustrates this idea is that of the ‘Smith v. Hughes (1871). This involved the claimant making a sale of oats to the defendant who bought these to feed his horses. Horses require old oats since newly harvested oats can cause digestion problem for the horses. However it later came to light that the oats were not old enough to feed the horses. The defendant subsequently refused to pay any money to the claimant. The critical point in this judgement is for the judge to decide whether the sale of oats by the claimant unreasonable when he was offering to sell old oats and how could one possibly decide whether the oats were old enough to feed horses. (Tilbury Nadine, 2006) (ii) The Form of

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Ten questions, Ethical Issues in sports Assignment

Ten questions, Ethical Issues in sports - Assignment Example Researcher Todd Crosset stressed that his data were limited, but also wrote, "To suggest that all of these cases are simply a result of athletes being targeted because of their high profile status denies reality. The best interests of institutions cannot be served until those working within the institutions admit that a problem exists." Clearly, the universities do not make any effort to recognize a problem, and then to punish their star athletes for their horrendous actions. Without a doubt, student athletes with criminal records should not posses free-ride scholarships for various reasons. A student playing for a university is a privilege and not a right. If a student is immature and lacks decision making skills, then clearly the student does not deserve a free-ride scholarship. Furthermore, a student who is disciplined in his behaviors and ethics deserves a free-ride scholarship more than an athlete who does not value a free-ride scholarship. In this competitive business, agents play the race card in order to retain black athletes. With so much propaganda brewing from the media, playing the race card usually yields success for agents. A classic example of â€Å"playing the card† was portrayed in the trial of OJ Simpson, an ex-football athlete accused of murder as Roger Simon writes, October 1995 â€Å""Why was playing the race card necessary in order for O. J. Simpson to go free? The race card was instilled because it was the only way for the defense to deal with the massive physical evidence against him." This is a tough scenario since these statements are not always made by black and white agents. For instance, if a white agent grew up in a poor town and family, they will say this statement. In a lot of cases, background plays a vital role. Some black athletes are born in prestigious families while most come from poor neighborhoods.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

An introduction and conclusion for literature review in finance Essay

An introduction and conclusion for literature review in finance (preparing for my dissertation) - Essay Example USA Petrochemical Industry Despite of the rise in the global demand for the petrochemical products, the USA petrochemical industry is facing increasing competition in the petrochemical export market. With supply of the natural gas by using the comprehensive pipe line system to both receive the raw materials as well as to deliver the finished products. So, it is expected that the US petrochemical industry would revive sooner than the other competitors. Furthermore, economic trade group such as NAFTA would contribute further to its growth. Political & Legal Factors The petrochemical industry in USA is governed by several laws and regulations. The hazardous materials transportation act and the pollution prevention act are significant among these. According to the first act, the Department of Transportation gets the authority to control the transportation of such materials including the petrochemicals. Furthermore, the USA government has become increasingly active and concerned about the safety and environmental areas for this petrochemical transportation.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Digital technologhy plays a key role in education Essay

Digital technologhy plays a key role in education - Essay Example Use of digital technology in education is not a new trend, but is one that has prevailed for centuries. Much of the development in the fields of science and technology can be attributed to the use of digital technology in education. Calculators have been used in educational institutions ranging from primary, through the high school, secondary school, college, and university level for many decades. Modern calculators come with a variety of functions that can help the mathematicians and scientists perform complex calculations. With the advent of computer and particularly the Internet, the whole process of research has been redefined at all levels of academia. Before, learners used to conduct a lot of research to grasp the concepts they needed for research. In their attempt to get hold of the required sources, they would visit several libraries which incurred them not only cost but also consumed a lot of time. Nowadays, there is a sea of information available over the Internet, many of whose sources provide information free of cost. Researchers have the opportunity to select the research papers they need to study in order to conduct the literature review by reading their free abstracts over the Internet first. Use of digital technology in research has enhanced the focus of the researchers and has made the process of research a lot more convenient. Many educationalists see digital technology as something that neatly fits with the interests and values related to the organization and nature of learning.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Marketing Plan of Nike Essay Example for Free

Marketing Plan of Nike Essay The world has a long, rich history of international trade among nations. Most international trade dates from the prevailing age of mercantilism. However, objecting mercantilism is the common idea of trade philosophies proposed by Adam Smith and David Ricardo. Both of them advocated free international trade. The rule of the zero-of-sum game was the core of mercantilism. One country increased the wealth must cause another one decreased from trade. Only one could be beneficial. They thought exports could bring inflows of wealth from and imports could lead outflows of wealth to other countries. It was this thought that each country encouraged exports and restricted imports. 1? The Classical Trade Theory (1) Theory of Adam Smith: Absolute Advantage Adam Smith set himself against the mercantilism. He advocated free trade and proposed the absolute advantage theory. In his theory, each country had its own advantage for producing goods which other country did not possess. It was this that stimulated countries to participate in the international trade by exerting the absolute advantage to obtain more benefits. Adam Smith made two assumptions: First, trade only existed between two countries. Second, each country produced only two products, one product must have absolute advantage, and the other product must have absolute disadvantage. Therefore, each country should concentrate on producing the product with absolute advantage, and then trade the absolute disadvantage product to the other country with the absolute advantage product. After trading, the disengaged, surplus resources and products of each country could be used completely reasonable. Thus, both countries can be beneficial from the trade, not just one. This pulled down the rule of zero-of-sum game and created the rule of n-of-sum game. Adam Smith’s absolute advantage theory successfully promoted the international trade. However, this theory did not deal with the problem that for both two products, one country had absolute advantages and the other country had absolute disadvantages. (2) Theory of David Ricardo: Comparative Advantage Fortunately, another famous economist David Ricardo succeeded and developed Adam Smith’s theory. Just like Adam Smith, David Ricardo also was an opponent of protectionism for national economies. He created his comparative advantage theory. The theory dealt with the problem that could not be dealt using Adam Smith’s theory. The economic motives and causes international trade. According to Ricardos theory, even if a country has no absolute advantage in any product, the disadvantaged country can still be beneficial from specializing in and exporting the product for which it has the lowest opportunity cost of production. Though the two theories were proposed hundreds of years, they still play important influences on international trade. Each trading country can improve productivity and the world economic is promoted. The two theories will contribute to world prosperity in the future. 2? The Modern Trade Theory Comparative advantage based on opportunity cost forms the basis of modern trade theory. The theory shows that after comparing, when the country decides to produce its advantage product, it needs to give up the other product that can come forth during the period. The benefit form the product it gives up is its opportunity cost. Here I take a simple example to illustrate this theory. The land for planting rice or cotton, the output of rice is 500 kilogram or 100 kilogram of cotton. If we choose to plant rice, the 100 kilogram of cotton we give up is our opportunity cost. Today, the practice of trade among nations is growing by leaps and bounds. There is hardly a person on earth who has not been influenced in some way by the growing trade among nations. The theories stimulate trade between developed and developing countries that avoid the autarky. International trade increases trading countries’ wealth and world output. That is because with trade, the resources are allocated rationally, job opportunity increase, products quality and variety increase and so on.